- 1◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 19:56:32
- 2◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 19:57:33
Episode 1
The First Turnabout (はじめての逆転) - 3◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 20:00:06
August 3, 9:47 AM
District Court
Defendant Lobby No. 2
District Court 地方裁判所
Defendant 被告人 - 4二次元好きの匿名さん23/09/26(火) 20:00:33
- 5◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 20:00:51
主人公 Phoenix
- 6◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 20:01:51
Chief(所長) Mia
- 7二次元好きの匿名さん23/09/26(火) 20:02:28
- 8◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 20:02:46
Mia:I'm glad I made it on time.(間に合って良かった)
- 9◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 20:05:58
I have to say Phoenix, I'm impressed!
I have to say まったく、本当に
be impressed 感銘を受ける - 10◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 20:10:17
Not everyone takes on a murder trial right off the bat like this.
こんなにも急に殺人事件を引き受ける人間なんてそういない(?) - 11◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 20:12:20
Phoenix: I owe him a favor.
owe ~~ a favor ~~には借りがある - 12◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 20:15:21
I kind of owe my current job to him.
He's one of the reasons I became an attorney.
今弁護士をやっているのも彼のおかげ - 13◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 20:16:52
Mia:that's news to me! (初耳ね)
- 14◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 20:19:28
(It's over! My life, everything, it's all over!)
おしまいだ!何もかもおしまいなんだ! - 15◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 20:20:16
被告人 Butz
- 16◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 20:24:17
ya gotta tell me!(教えてくれ!)
ya you
gotta have got to - 17◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 20:26:21
主人公 Phoenix Wright
- 18◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 20:31:01
The guy they arrested was the unlucky sap dating her
Larry Butz - 19◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 20:32:52
"When something smells, it's usually the Butz."
“事件の陰に、ヤッパリ矢張” - 20◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 20:34:34
He has a knack for getting himself in trouble
knack コツ - 21◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 20:36:07
it's usually not his fault. He just has terrible luck.
コイツのせいじゃない。運がわるいだけ - 22◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 20:37:20
Courtroom 法廷
- 23◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 20:39:20
Judge 裁判長
prosecution 検事 Winston Payne (52) - 24◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 20:40:46
Your Honor 『裁判長!』
- 25◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 20:42:20
Your conduct during this trial will decide the fate of your client.
この法廷でのあなたの行動が被告人の運命を決めます。 - 26◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 20:48:36
Murder is a serious charge. For your client's sake, I hope you can control your nerves.
charge 罪
sake 目的、利益
nervous 神経 - 27◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 20:52:05
given the circumstances... 状況を考えると
I think we should have a test to ascertain your readiness.
ascertain 確認する
readiness 準備 - 28◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 20:54:02
(Gulp... Hands shaking... Eyesight... fading...)
(手が震えてきた……目がかすんできた……) - 29◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 20:55:15
the defendant “被告人”
- 30◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 20:56:35
victim “被害者”
- 31◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 21:02:09
Are you absolutely SURE you're up to this?
あなた、本当に大丈夫なの!? - 32◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 21:03:59
I think I feel a migraine coming on.
migraine 片頭痛 - 33◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 21:05:32
Court Record 法廷記録
- 34◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 21:06:18
victim(被害者) Cindy Stone
- 35◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 21:09:18
She was struck once, by a blunt object.
be struck 殴られる
blunt object 鈍器 - 36◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 21:11:34
The murder weapon was this statue of "The Thinker."
statue of "The Thinker" 「考える人」の置物 - 37◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 21:13:30
That evidence is the only ammunition you have in court.
証拠品は法廷での「武器」 - 38◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 21:16:18
Is it not true that the victim had recently dumped you?
dump 捨てる - 39◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 21:22:06
watch it buddy!
watch it 気を付けろ!
buddy 喧嘩腰の呼び方、オマエ - 40◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 21:26:58
We were Romeo and Juliet, Cleopatra and Mark Anthony!
Phoenix(Um... didn't they all die?)
(全員死んでるんじゃないか?) - 41◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 21:29:53
she was in Paris until the day before she died.
彼女は事件前日までパリにいた - 42◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 21:32:15
“Sugar Daddies”
Older men, who gave her money and gifts.
お金やプレゼントをくれるオジサン - 43◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 21:36:09
That cheatin' she-dog!
あの浮気オンナ! - 44◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 21:39:18
witness 目撃者、証人
- 45◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 21:41:25
目撃者 Frank Sahwit
- 46◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/26(火) 21:42:38
wifiが規制されてしまった…… - 47二次元好きの匿名さん23/09/26(火) 22:18:54
Sahwitは目撃者であることから、Saw it(それを見た)のダジャレになっている模様
- 48◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 10:05:05
- 49二次元好きの匿名さん23/09/27(水) 19:26:13
再開 今日は規制されませんように
新聞勧誘をしていたFrank Sahwitが入廷 - 50二次元好きの匿名さん23/09/27(水) 19:28:08
you may proceed with your testimony.
proceed 始める
testimony 証言 - 51二次元好きの匿名さん23/09/27(水) 19:29:55
Testimony Witness's Account
account 報告、説明 - 52二次元好きの匿名さん23/09/27(水) 19:31:50
door-to-door 戸別訪問販売
- 53二次元好きの匿名さん23/09/27(水) 19:34:51
I quailed in fright and found myself unable to go inside.(怖くて中に入れなかった)
quail in fright 怖じ気づく - 54二次元好きの匿名さん23/09/27(水) 19:39:09
Incidentally ちなみに、ところで、そういえば
blackout 停電
perusal 熟読
for your perusal ご確認ください - 55二次元好きの匿名さん23/09/27(水) 19:40:58
You may begin your cross-examination.
cross-examination 反対尋問 - 56◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 19:41:27
- 57◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 19:44:12
Mia:Alright, Wright, this is it. The real deal!(これからが本番よ)
- 58◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 19:49:34
Why, you expose the lies in the testimony the witness just gave!
Why もちろん
expose 暴露する
lies ウソ
the witness just gave 今の証言? - 59◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 19:53:11
There's bound to be a contradiction in there!
be bound to ~ ~に決まっている
contradiction ムジュン - 60◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 19:54:06
- 61◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 19:55:25
- 62◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 19:58:20
Your statement directly contradicts the autopsy report.
statement 発言 供述
autopsy report 解剖記録 - 63◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 20:01:14
There was nobody to... er... no "body" to find at 1:00 PM!
nobody(誰も~しない)とno body(死体) - 64◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 20:03:16
Payne:This is trivial! The witness merely forgot the time!
trivial 些細なこと
merely 単に~に過ぎない - 65◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 20:08:34
Mia:Great job, Wright! Way to put him on the spot!
put ~ on the spot 追い詰める - 66◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 20:10:26
See through one, and their whole story falls apart!
一つ一つ見抜いていけば、全体がバラバラに崩れ落ちる - 67◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 20:14:52
Sahwit:No, I... I find it quite puzzling myself! Quite!(自分でもかなり困惑しています……)
- 68◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 20:17:11
Judge:The court would prefer to hear an accurate testimony from the very beginning.
prefer to 好む
accurate 正確な - 69◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 20:19:16
These constant corrections are harming your credibility.(何度も修正されてはあなたの信憑性にも関わってきます)
- 70◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 20:21:12
That, and you seem rather... distraught.
distraught 取り乱す、動揺、錯乱状態 - 71◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 20:22:47
Sahwit:M-my apologies, Your Honor!
My apologies 申し訳ございません - 72◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 20:25:59
Phoenix:Now how is this supposed to be a clock?
be supposed to ~だと考えられる、思われる - 73◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 20:27:49
Sahwit:Y-you with your "objections," and your "evidence"... Just who do you think you are!?
「異議あり」だの「証拠」だの……何様のつもりだ!? - 74◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 20:30:35
Phoenix:Your Honor, there is a gaping hole in the witness's testimony!
gaping hole 大きな穴 - 75◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 20:32:57
Judge:Order in the court!(静粛に!)
- 76◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 20:34:18
Judge:Intriguing. Please continue, Mr. Wright.
intriguing 興味深い、面白い - 77◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 21:10:06
Phoenix:That voice was burned into your mind.
burn into mind 脳裏に焼き付く - 78◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 21:12:10
Payne:This is all baseless conjecture!
baseless 根拠のない
conjecture 推測 - 79◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 21:15:36
Judge:Would the witness care to elaborate?
elaborate 詳しく述べる - 80◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 21:18:27
Payne:There isn't a shred of evidence supporting the defense's claims!
弁護人の主張を裏付ける証拠は何一つない! - 81◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 21:24:13
Phoenix:Precisely the discrepancy between what Mr. Sahwit heard and the actual time of death!
precisely 正確な
discrepancy 不一致、ズレ - 82◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 21:27:16
Phoenix:Try to talk your way out of this one!
way out of (問題から)抜け出す方法 - 83◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 21:30:50
Phoenix:I was so close.(あと少しだったのに……)
- 84◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 21:32:11
Judge:This means I cannot let you indict the witness.
indict 起訴する - 85◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 21:37:46
Sahwit:I come all the way down here to testify, and look what happens!
You treat me like a criminal!
all the way わざわざ(来てやった)
treat 扱う
criminal 犯罪者 - 86◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 21:40:43
You lawyers are all slime!
弁護士なんてクソだ! - 87◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 21:42:36
Mia:Not so fast!(待ちなさい!)
- 88◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 21:44:27
Try thinking out of the box!
out of the box 常識に囚われない、独創的な - 89◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 21:47:04
Figure out the reason, and you'll have your proof!
figure out 考え出す、答えを見つける - 90◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 21:52:56
Phoenix:As we all know, the time difference between here and Paris is nine hours!
The clock wasn't three hours slow, it was nine hours fast!
時計は「3時間遅れていた」のではなく、「9時間進んでいた」 - 91◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 21:57:01
- 92◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 21:58:51
Judge:This court is adjourned.(これにて閉廷!)
- 93◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 22:02:45
Phoenix:It turns out that Frank Sahwit was a common burglar!
burglar 空き巣、泥棒 - 94◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 22:07:37
Mia:It's been a while since I've seen a trial end on such a satisfying note!
こんなに気持ちのいい裁判は久しぶり! - 95◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 22:13:01
Mia:We'll drink a toast to innocent Butz!
toast 祝杯 - 96◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 22:13:27
- 97◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/27(水) 22:16:24
Episode1 終わり
Episode2 Turnabout Sisters はまた明日 - 98二次元好きの匿名さん23/09/28(木) 10:16:32
- 99◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 19:24:35
Episode2 Turnabout Sisters
「Maya」とMiaの電話からスタート - 100◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 19:25:05
- 101◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 19:28:56
Mia:There's a lot of buzz about the upcoming trial...(今度の裁判、ちょっと色々あって……)
- 102◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 19:31:51
Maya:It's not working? That's lame!(動かないの?つまらない……)
- 103◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 19:33:19
Mia:I put some papers inside it instead.(代わりに書類が入ってるわ)
instead 代わりに - 104◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 19:36:35
Maya:Hmm, well... there's a possibility that it might turn out that way, yes.(うーん、“そういうこと”になるかもしれないんだね……)
- 105◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 19:40:58
Maya:Like... burgers! I could really go for a good burger.
みそラーメン→バーガー - 106◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 19:47:44
???:You are not cogniferous of my background?
cogniferous cognizant(気付く)を元にした造語? - 107◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 19:49:15
Your eternal silence... Farewell, Miss Fey.
「エターナル・サイレンス」はそのままなのか - 108◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 19:50:44
調べる Examine
移動する Move - 109◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 19:55:06
Phoenix (The strange girl dropped out cold. I left her lying on the office sofa.)
out cold 気を失う - 110◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 20:00:47
Phoenix:She's staring right at me!
staring 見つめる - 111◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 20:10:14
Gumshoe:Alright, I'm Detective Dick Gumshoe, see?
Phoenix:(Gumshoe...? What an odd name.)
dick、gumshoe どちらも「刑事」を表す俗語
odd 変、奇異 - 112◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 20:13:39
Gumshoe:Case closed! You're coming down to the precinct, ma'am.
precinct 警察署 - 113◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 20:15:35
Phoenix Mia's younger sister, Maya, was arrested on the spot.
arrest 逮捕
on the spot その場で - 114◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 20:18:35
Detention Center 留置所
Visitor's Room 面会室 - 115◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 20:24:13
Mia:"Honestly, I was on edge the whole time. It's been a while..."
on edge 緊張する、ピリピリする - 116◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 20:26:48
Mia:"One of those 'strike fear into the hearts of evil' types..."
“恐怖のツッコミ男”→“悪の心に恐怖を打ち込む” - 117◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 20:32:49
Maya:This is what all acolytes wear. It's my uniform, you could say.
Phoenix A-acolytes? Like people in religious training? What is it you do?
acolytes 修行者
religious 宗教的な - 118◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 20:33:58
Maya:I'm a spirit medium. ...In training.
霊媒師です……修行中の - 119◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 20:36:20
Phoenix (I'm pretty sure that qualifies as strange.)
qualify 資格がある、与える - 120◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 20:39:07
Maya:The Fey family, especially the women, have always been very sensitive to the spirit world.
especially 特に、とりわけ
sensitive 感覚がある、感知できる - 121◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 20:41:00
Phoenix:So, Mia was into this stuff too?
stuff 才能、素質 - 122◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 20:43:46
Maya:She left the mountain to "follow her career," she said.
follow ~~ career ~~の経歴を追う - 123◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 20:54:30
Gumshoe:Hang on! That's Detective Gumshoe to you, pal!
Anyway, get the name right.And don't go calling me "Dick"...
「Dick」とは呼ばれたくないGumshoe - 124◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 20:57:30
- 125◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 21:00:08
Gumshoe:The city's put Prosecutor Edgeworth on the prosecution!
担当検事(Prosecutor) Mr. Miles Edgeworth - 126◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 21:03:58
Phoenix:I know him. He's a feared prosecutor. He doesn't feel pain, he doesn't feel remorse.
「恐ろしい検事」「痛みを感じない」「心が痛むこともない」 - 127◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 21:06:59
Gumshoe:Aww, don't talk about him that way. You make him barely sound human!(そんな言い方やめるッス。ヒトじゃないみたいッス)
- 128◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 21:13:16
Phoenix:(He hasn't lost a case since he became prosecutor at the incredibly young age of 20.)
(Of course, there are rumors of back-alley deals and forged evidence...)
(All I know for sure is that Edgeworth hates crime with an almost abnormal passion.)
ほとんど異常とも言える犯罪への憎しみ - 129◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 21:16:18
Gumshoe:This? Hmm... it says "The Steel Samurai: Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo"...
「大江戸戦士トノサマン」→"The Steel Samurai: Warrior of Neo Olde Tokyo" - 130◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 21:18:09
通報者(目撃証人) Miss April May
- 131◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/28(木) 21:21:51
- 132◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 09:15:33
- 133◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 19:31:02
目撃者に話を聞きにGatewater Hotelへ - 134◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 19:37:48
April:Ooh! Let me go freshen up so I can look the part of the beautiful eyewitness!
freshen up (着替えるなどして)サッパリする、綺麗になる
look the part それらしい格好になる - 135◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 19:39:45
Phoenix:(I pity the lawyer that has to cross-examine this one.)
pity 哀れむ
「アレに尋問しなきゃいけない弁護士は大変だな……」 - 136◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 19:41:32
Phoenix (There's a screwdriver stuck in this drawer.)
screwdriver ドライバー(ねじ回し)
drawer 引き出し - 137◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 19:43:20
April:You wouldn't want to make me upset, would you?
make upset 怒らせる、困らせる - 138◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 19:44:40
Phoenix (Upset!? I thought she was going to explode for a second there!)
(爆発寸前だったぞ……!?) - 139◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 19:49:04
Phoenix:Um, could you... just who exactly are you?
April:Oooh, Mr. Lawyer! Are you hitting on me?
hit on 口説く - 140◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 19:52:36
April:Say, Mr. Big Detective, why don't you go look for clues... in the garbage? Hmm?
メータンテーさんは証拠が欲しかったらゴミでも漁ってれば? - 141◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 19:53:45
April:Miss May doesn't like nosey little lawyers... Hmph!
nosey 詮索好きな - 142◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 19:55:24
Grossberg Law Officesへ
- 143◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 19:59:08
???: *Ah-HHHHHEM!*
Phoenix (If that wasn't the most over-the-top clearing of the throat I've ever heard!)
over-the-top 大袈裟な
clear of thb throat 咳払い - 144◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 20:02:08
Grossberg:You came to see the one-and-only Marvin Grossberg, did you not?
one-and-only 唯一無二 - 145◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 20:06:00
Grossberg:I'm afraid it's entirely impossible for me to represent her. Sorry. End of discussion.
entirely 完全に
represent 代理となる - 146◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 20:08:27
Phoenix:Mia trusted you... She knew her sister would be in good hands.
in good hands 安心して - 147◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 20:10:19
Phoenix:I don't have time to argue with you anyway. I'll go look elsewhere.
argue 言い争う - 148◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 20:13:31
Grossberg:But I'm afraid that no lawyer worth their salt will take on this particular case,
worth one's salt 給料に合った働きをする、有能な - 149◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 20:16:07
Grossberg:I beg your pardon, but could you leave? Now? I've nothing more to discuss with you.
I beg your pardon, 失礼ながら…… - 150◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 20:19:48
Grossberg:Quite the apprentice, that one.Learned my techniques in the blink of an eye!
apprentice 見習い
in the blink of an eye あっという間に - 151◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 20:23:01
Detention Centerへ
Phoenix:He... didn't seem healthy. He was all skin and bones! - 152◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 20:24:14
Maya:I've been abandoned, then.
abandon 諦める、断念する - 153◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 20:29:38
Maya:It made quite a stir, everyone was talking about it, apparently.
stir 騒ぎ
apparition どうやら - 154◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 20:31:12
Maya:The police were running out of leads, and they were getting desperate...
run out of 失う
leads 手がかり - 155◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 20:32:47
Maya:The police convinced my mother to try to contact the victim.
convince 説得する - 156◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 20:34:13
Maya:The case was solved... we thought.
solve 解決する - 157◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 20:36:10
Maya:The police's consultation with a medium had all been carried out in secret, of course.
consultation 話し合い、協議 - 158◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 20:38:40
Maya:A man found out about it and leaked it to the press.
press 報道機関 - 159◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 20:40:44
Maya:He told all the papers that my mother was a fraud, and the media jumped on it big time.
a fraud 詐欺師
jump on 飛び付く - 160◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 20:42:59
Phoenix:I, um, I have a hunch...
I have a hunch 予感がする - 161◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 20:44:17
Phoenix:(But there's something about this whole thing that smells... fishy.)
fishy 怪しい、胡散臭い - 162◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 20:46:13
Phoenix:I won't abandon you. You can count on me.
count on 頼りにする - 163◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 20:49:21
Phoenix:(There's something that's been bugging me...)
bug イライラさせる、邪魔をする - 164◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 20:51:34
Bellboy:am the bellboy of this establishment, at your service, sir.
establishment 施設 - 165◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 20:54:38
a wiretap 盗聴器
- 166◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 20:57:58
Phoenix (I look forward to tangoing with you tomorrow, Miss May!)
「明日、遊ぼうぜ!」は「明日、タンゴを踊ろうぜ!」に - 167◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 20:59:17
September 7, 10:00 AM
District Court
Courtroom No. 1 - 168◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 21:05:47
最初の証人 Dick Gumshoe
Gumshoe:I'm the detective in charge of homicides down the precinct, sir!
charge of 担当
homicide 殺人事件 - 169◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 21:10:27
“hard evidence” “動かぬ証拠”
- 170◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 21:11:57
suspicious woman in pink 怪しげなピンクの女性
- 171◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 21:15:50
Phoenix:That she was accusing the defendant, Maya Fey?
accuse 告発 - 172◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 21:19:00
Phoenix:She died immediately!
immediately ただちに、すぐに - 173◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 21:20:28
Edgeworth:I beg your pardon, but when exactly did you obtain that autopsy report?
obtain 入手する - 174◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 21:22:03
Edgeworth:That autopsy report is outdated, Your Honor.
outdated 時代遅れ、古い - 175◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/29(金) 21:25:21
- 176◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 09:18:11
- 177◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 19:39:37
Edgeworth:This poor, innocent girl saw the murder with her own eyes!
「哀れで無垢なる少女」 - 178◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 19:47:39
Judge:Order! An introduction should not require any reaction from the crowd!The witness will refrain from wanton winking!
require 必要とする
refrain 控える、遠慮する
wanton ふしだらな、行儀の悪い
「自己紹介しただけでそんなに騒がない!証人もそんなウィンクは止めなさい!」 - 179◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 19:49:38
Phoenix (She's already captured the heart of every man in this courtroom!)
capture 捕獲する、捕らえる、魅了する - 180◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 19:52:24
April:The one attacking her was the mousey girl sitting in the defendant's chair!
mousey 臆病な、内気な - 181◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 19:55:24
April:She kinda... slumped.
slumped 崩れ落ちる、沈み込む - 182◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 19:58:55
Edgeworth:Her cowardly way of finding tiny faults in perfectly good testimonies...
cowardly 臆病な、卑怯な - 183◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 20:02:44
Edgeworth:The testimony is bulletproof, Your Honor.
bulletproof 防弾、堅固な - 184◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 20:04:07
Phoenix:Hold on a minute! That testimony stinks!
stink 悪臭を放つ、疑わしい - 185◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 20:08:12
Phoenix:No one wears clothes like this on a daily basis! Except her!
Phoenix:And I'm no expert on fashion, but her hairdo looks far from normal to me!
僕はファッションには詳しくありませんが……髪型も普通ではない! - 186◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 20:09:52
Phoenix:The testimony is bogus!
bogus 偽物、インチキ - 187◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 20:12:54
April I... just didn't think all the trifling little details were necessary, darling.
trifling 些細な、取るに足らない
necessary 必要 - 188◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 20:15:48
Judge:The court would like to remind you to please omit nothing in your testimony.
remind 注意する
omit 省略する
「証言は何一つ省略することのないよう、お願いします」 - 189◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 20:18:53
April:Then the girl in the hippie clothes ran after her...
「和服の女の子」→「the girl in the hippie clothes」 - 190◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 20:21:54
April:Well? Does the accuracy of my report not startle you? Tee hee!
accuracy 正確さ
startle ビックリさせる - 191◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 20:24:04
Phoenix:What you said just now was quite... revealing.
reveal 明らかにする、さらけ出す - 192◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 20:27:57
Edgeworth:The defense is trying to confuse the issue with trivial concerns!
confuse 混乱させる、惑わせる
issue 論点、争点 - 193◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 20:32:51
Phoenix:Wasn't it you who told me "proof is everything"?
「法廷では証拠がすべて」→「proof is everything」 - 194◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 20:40:22
Edgeworth:The defendant's cell phone!? Th-this wasn't brought to my attention!
bring to attention 注意させる、気を引く - 195◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 20:41:44
Phoenix:Perhaps Detective Gumshoe overlooked it?
Perhaps もしかして
overlook 見落とす - 196◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 20:43:48
Edgeworth:grumble* (The good detective better remember he's up for evaluation soon...)
(次の査定を楽しみにしておくがいい……) - 197◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 20:46:56
Phoenix:And the one that isn't here is in police custody!
custody 保管、管理 - 198◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 20:51:37
April:I-impossible! Everything is sold in stores!
Phoenix:Miss May, I think it's high time you went shopping for a better excuse.
「前に店で見た」という証言に対して「もっと良い言い訳を探しに行く時が来た」と - 199◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 20:52:42
Phoenix:Oh? Excuses not on sale today?(あれ?今日は売ってないのかな?)
- 200◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 20:55:57
- 201◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 20:57:58
Judge:W-w-whoa! Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
get ahead of 先走りする - 202二次元好きの匿名さん23/09/30(土) 21:04:17
- 203◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 21:04:49
Edgeworth:Your Honor, this is irrelevant!
irrelevant 無関係な、不適切な - 204◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 21:06:53
Edgeworth:This is outrageous! Does the defense truly claim that the witness was tapping her phone?
outrageous 無礼な、法外な - 205◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 21:09:54
Edgeworth:Your Honor, this is ridiculous!
ridiculous 馬鹿馬鹿しい - 206◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 21:14:36
Edgeworth:It is my great displeasure to inform you...(非常に残念ながら……)
- 207二次元好きの匿名さん23/09/30(土) 21:17:07
俺もレインコード英語版買おうか迷ってる - 208◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 21:17:38
Edgeworth:Her testimony stands! She saw the defendant, Maya Fey, commit murder!
stand 有効である、生きている
commit 悪事を働く、罪を犯す - 209◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 21:21:31
April:I think you've sunken quite low enough already.
sink 沈む、減る、衰える - 210◆IgOrEXVZms23/09/30(土) 21:24:07